“Are we on track?”

“How much are we going to spend?”

“Can we afford all our projects?”

“Is there a way to file the NDA earlier?”

“Which product candidate creates more value?”

“Is our drug supply sufficient?”

“What’s the value of our portfolio?”

Questions like these are at the top of the mind for every successful drug development executive. Yet, getting accurate answers can be laborious and time-consuming — and those answers are quickly invalidated by many disruptive events, such as unexpected study results, lagging enrollment, regulatory requirements, or competitors' actions.

Having a clear picture of your development portfolio is critical for making the right decisions. Having the big picture always ready at your fingertips is critical for making timely decisions.

We’ve designed our solution, PharPlan, from the ground up with a single mission: Giving you a clear and up-to-date picture of your portfolio. Additionally, PharPlan allows you to evaluate alternative scenarios with ease. Our goal is to enable you to select the best way forward for your company.

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